While window-shopping in Cold Storage a few days back, I found this pack of four French Butter Croissants going at a quick-sale price of $1.99, slashed from $3.99.

The moment I laid eyes on it I knew that I had to get it - my cerebral cortex was raring to go! Immediately I thought of different recipes I could try out, but I never really settled on anything until I got home.

On the way back, I figured that I should stick to something simple as it was really my first time dealing with croissants. That was when I made my decision - Egg Salad Croissants, because without mayonnaise.
Why no mayonnaise?
1) My sister dislikes mayonnaise, and I bought the croissants with the intention of making a lunch box for her the next day
2) I knew we didn't have mayonnaise at home
3) It'd be an interesting challenge for myself

This substitute is neither novel or new, but it'd be good to mention that yoghurt is often a good replacement for mayonnaise for egg salads. While many might cringe at the thought of having sour egg salad, trust me - the egg salad will not turn out to be sour as long as you keep your proportions right.

4 butter croissants
6 eggs (1.5 eggs per croissant)
6 tbsp of yoghurt (1 tbsp for every egg)
3 tsp of Cajun seasoning
3 tsp of plum powder
3 tsp of black pepper (Or 6 packets of McDonald's black pepper, ooops)
3 tsp of pepper salt (otherwise, 2 tsp of pepper and 1 tsp of salt separately)

While displaying the ingredients for the photo, Mocha waltzed in to have a sniff and possibly beg for some food.

How to say no?!?! I said no anyway.

Not the original packaging - it usually comes in a packet labelled 'Serbuk Asam'

Some might be wondering why I used Plum Powder in the egg salad:
Firstly, Marigold Yoghurt is not as thick as Greek Yoghurt which is the typical substitute for mayonnaise due to similarity in texture, so in order to keep my egg salad from being too 'thin' I added some powdery solids. That also explains the Cajun seasoning, which also adds to the flavour of the egg salad.
Secondly, Marigold Yoghurt in Low Fat Plain flavour can be quite sour at times, so in order to make sure my egg salad did not turn out to be too sour, I added plum powder to offer a different 'dimension' of sour/sweet flavour so the yoghurt sourness does not become overpowering. Not sure if you can catch on for this one.

McCormick is a well known spices brand, so I won't explain much of the Cajun seasoning, but the White Pepper with Salt seasoning is a special one that I'd bought from Taiwan last December - I'm not sure if Singapore sells this but I simply love this seasoning. It tastes different from normal white pepper and salt mixed - it just tastes like a different spice altogether that is hot and salty!

1) Fill up a pot with water and set on the stove to boil
2) While waiting for the water to boil, pop the croissants into the oven to char it ever so slightly (even with all those carcinogens it really adds to the texture and flavour!)
Be careful not to burn the croissants! Heat them at 120ºC for just FIVE minutes.

3) When the water boils, add the eggs into the pot and boil for 10 minutes.

4) Your croissants will be done before the eggs - Slice them open carefully, not slicing all the way through. You might prefer to use a scissors after making the initial hole.

5) Retrieve the boiled eggs and place them in tap water to cool down

6) When the eggs and cool enough to peel, peel them and put inside a large-enough bowl

7) Mash them with a fork
8) Add the yoghurt, plum powder, Cajun seasoning, and pepper salt to the mashed eggs

9) Mix well!

10) Stuff the cooled down croissants with the egg salad

You're done!

I packed lunch boxes for my sisters to take to school, and they got back saying that the croissants tasted great! Too bad I was having a brace-ache, so I didn't manage to try it out for my own. Oh well! Hopefully this recipe helps someone out there with no idea what to pack for lunch!



Wherefore art thou...?

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